Man creates his own confusion just because he goes on rejecting himself,
condemning himself, not accepting himself. Then a chain of confusion,
inner chaos, and misery is created. Why don't you accept yourself as you
are? What is wrong? The whole of existence accepts you as you are, but
you don't.
You have some ideal to achieve. That ideal is always in the future—it has
to be; no ideal can be in the present. And the future is nowhere;it is not
yet born. But because of the ideal,you live in the future—which is nothing
but a dream. Because of the ideal, you cannot live here and now. Because
of the ideal, you condemn yourself.
All ideologies, all ideals, are condemnatory because they create an image
in the mind. And when you go on comparing yourself with that image,you
will always feel that something is lacking, something is missing.
Nothing is lacking, and nothing is missing. You are perfect as far as there
is any possibility of perfection.
Why do you go on carrying ideals in the mind?
Why are you not enough as you are?
Just at this moment why are you not like gods?
Who is interfering?
Who is blocking your path? This very moment why can't you enjoy and
be blissful? Where is the block?
The block comes through the ideal. How can you enjoy? You are filled with
so much anger, first the anger has to go. How can you be blissful? You
are filled with so much sexuality, first the sex has to go.How can you be
like gods celebrating this very moment?
You are filled with so much greed, passion, anger, first they have to go.
Then you will be like gods.
This is how the ideal is created, and because of the ideal you become
condemned. Compare yourself with the ideal,and you will never be perfect.
It is impossible. If you say, "if", then bliss is impossible because that "if"is
the greatest disturbance.
If you say, "If those conditions are fulfilled, then I will be blissful,"then
these conditions are never going to be fulfilled. And secondly,even if
these conditions are fulfilled, by that time you will have lost the very
capacity to celebrate and enjoy. And moreover, when these conditions
are fulfilled—if ever, because they cannot be fulfilled—your mind will
create further ideals.
This is how you have been missing life for lives together. You create an
ideal, and then you want to be that ideal; then you feel condemned and
inferior. Because of your dreaming mind, your reality is condemned; dreams
have been disturbing you.
I tell you just the opposite. Be like gods this very moment. Let there be
anger, let there be sex, let there be greed—you celebrate life. And by and
by you will feel more celebration, less anger; more bliss-fulness, less greed;
more joy, less sex. Then you have hit upon the right path.
It is not otherwise. When a person can celebrate life in its totality, all that is
wrong disappears. But if you try first to make arrangements for the wrong
to disappear, it never disappears.
It is just like fighting with darkness. Your house is filled with darkness and
you ask,"How can I light a candle? Before I light a candle this darkness
has to be dispelled". This is what you have been doing. You say that first
greed must go; then there will be ecstasy. You are foolish! You are saying
that first the darkness must go, and then you can light a candle, as if
darkness can hinder you. Darkness is a nonentity. It is nothing, it has no
solidity. It is just an absence, not a presence. It is just the absence of light--
light the light, and darkness disappears.
Celebrate, become a blissful flame, and all that is wrong disappears.
Anger, greed, sex, or whatsoever else you name are not solid; they are
just the absence of a blissful, ecstatic life.
Because you cannot enjoy, you are angry. It is not that somebody
creates your anger; because you cannot enjoy, you are in much misery.
That is why you are angry. Others are only excuses. Because you cannot
celebrate, love cannot happen to you—hence sex. That is settling for
shadows. And then the mind says, "First destroy these, and then God
will descend". It is one of the most patent stupidities of humanity, the most
ancient, and it follows everybody.
It is difficult for you to think that at this very moment you are gods, but I
ask you, what is lacking? What is missing? You are alive, breathing,
conscious, what else do you need? This very moment be like gods.
Even if you feel that it is just an "as if", don't bother. Even if you feel,
"I am just presuming that I am like a god," presume— don't bother. Start
with the "as if", and soon the reality will follow because in reality you are.
And once you start existing as a god, all misery, all confusion, all darkness
disappears. Become a light, and this becoming has no conditions to be
condemning himself, not accepting himself. Then a chain of confusion,
inner chaos, and misery is created. Why don't you accept yourself as you
are? What is wrong? The whole of existence accepts you as you are, but
you don't.
You have some ideal to achieve. That ideal is always in the future—it has
to be; no ideal can be in the present. And the future is nowhere;it is not
yet born. But because of the ideal,you live in the future—which is nothing
but a dream. Because of the ideal, you cannot live here and now. Because
of the ideal, you condemn yourself.
All ideologies, all ideals, are condemnatory because they create an image
in the mind. And when you go on comparing yourself with that image,you
will always feel that something is lacking, something is missing.
Nothing is lacking, and nothing is missing. You are perfect as far as there
is any possibility of perfection.
Why do you go on carrying ideals in the mind?
Why are you not enough as you are?
Just at this moment why are you not like gods?
Who is interfering?
Who is blocking your path? This very moment why can't you enjoy and
be blissful? Where is the block?
The block comes through the ideal. How can you enjoy? You are filled with
so much anger, first the anger has to go. How can you be blissful? You
are filled with so much sexuality, first the sex has to go.How can you be
like gods celebrating this very moment?
You are filled with so much greed, passion, anger, first they have to go.
Then you will be like gods.
This is how the ideal is created, and because of the ideal you become
condemned. Compare yourself with the ideal,and you will never be perfect.
It is impossible. If you say, "if", then bliss is impossible because that "if"is
the greatest disturbance.
If you say, "If those conditions are fulfilled, then I will be blissful,"then
these conditions are never going to be fulfilled. And secondly,even if
these conditions are fulfilled, by that time you will have lost the very
capacity to celebrate and enjoy. And moreover, when these conditions
are fulfilled—if ever, because they cannot be fulfilled—your mind will
create further ideals.
This is how you have been missing life for lives together. You create an
ideal, and then you want to be that ideal; then you feel condemned and
inferior. Because of your dreaming mind, your reality is condemned; dreams
have been disturbing you.
I tell you just the opposite. Be like gods this very moment. Let there be
anger, let there be sex, let there be greed—you celebrate life. And by and
by you will feel more celebration, less anger; more bliss-fulness, less greed;
more joy, less sex. Then you have hit upon the right path.
It is not otherwise. When a person can celebrate life in its totality, all that is
wrong disappears. But if you try first to make arrangements for the wrong
to disappear, it never disappears.
It is just like fighting with darkness. Your house is filled with darkness and
you ask,"How can I light a candle? Before I light a candle this darkness
has to be dispelled". This is what you have been doing. You say that first
greed must go; then there will be ecstasy. You are foolish! You are saying
that first the darkness must go, and then you can light a candle, as if
darkness can hinder you. Darkness is a nonentity. It is nothing, it has no
solidity. It is just an absence, not a presence. It is just the absence of light--
light the light, and darkness disappears.
Celebrate, become a blissful flame, and all that is wrong disappears.
Anger, greed, sex, or whatsoever else you name are not solid; they are
just the absence of a blissful, ecstatic life.
Because you cannot enjoy, you are angry. It is not that somebody
creates your anger; because you cannot enjoy, you are in much misery.
That is why you are angry. Others are only excuses. Because you cannot
celebrate, love cannot happen to you—hence sex. That is settling for
shadows. And then the mind says, "First destroy these, and then God
will descend". It is one of the most patent stupidities of humanity, the most
ancient, and it follows everybody.
It is difficult for you to think that at this very moment you are gods, but I
ask you, what is lacking? What is missing? You are alive, breathing,
conscious, what else do you need? This very moment be like gods.
Even if you feel that it is just an "as if", don't bother. Even if you feel,
"I am just presuming that I am like a god," presume— don't bother. Start
with the "as if", and soon the reality will follow because in reality you are.
And once you start existing as a god, all misery, all confusion, all darkness
disappears. Become a light, and this becoming has no conditions to be
absolutely wonderful!